Intranet Solution

About project
Intranet solution allows your company to use and enjoy all the Microsoft O365/SharePoint Online benefits and have additional custom features and functionalities that help improve collaboration, communication, productivity and engagement of your employees.
Front page
Everything that you need on one fully packed frontend page. Our frontend page is designed to display all most relevant information in one view:
- Global content - keep up with global and local news, promote the most important messages in a smooth carousel, see the latest discussions between your colleagues and read the latest management blog posts.
- Local content - local content editors can promote news, most important messages and up to 8 links for local users.
- Quick links and navigation - mega menu with all relevant sites and sections, tiles on the page to promote specific links and fast people search. All designed to navigate fast and find everything you need.
- Other useful information - create personal bookmarks in My links section, know upcoming holidays and time of different locations and be informed about upcoming IT planned services or current issues in IT notifications section.

Well-designed features/functionalities that can accompany you every day
- World Wide App - shows Organization's sites and locations with all related information.
- Knowledge Sharing sites - group/internally public Sites organized by Business units and hierarchy.
- Local sites - sites, possibly with content in the local language.
- Team sites - sites for specific teams or projects. Site templates include essential SharePoint tools for project management and collaboration.

Special Tools and Apps
- Customized Document/Item Approval Workflow - reusable Approval workflow which uses all the benefits of standard workflow, but saves history or/and the association to the original Workflow history
- Feedback functionality - functionality which allows users to leave the feedback messages in the dialog in the corner of the Intranet
- Vacation Request App - allows users to request for the vacation approval and shows the Vacations of the team in easy to track views

Even More Features
- Branding - Intranet comes with the custom graphical design and Master page.
- Google Analytics - Intranet includes Google analytics, which shows comprehensive analytics data and analysis of usage of the Intranet.
- Mobile/Responsive Layouts - Intranet is responsive and adaptive to the mobile views
- Search Center Setup And Optimization - search is configured and optimized to show the relevant results with possibilities to use refiners and other available search improvement tools.

MS SharePoint Services
We want to help our customers be better equipped to meet current and future challenges by giving them insight into and control over their SharePoint platform through our consultants' expertise and our unique, innovative and flexible services.
Modern Digital Workplaces