Bespoke Cloud Software

We possess considerable expertise in crafting and building integrated cloud applications and software. Whether it's customer-facing portals seamlessly linked to your back-office systems or entirely customized solutions facilitating your organization's scalability, automation, and cost reduction, we have the know-how. Our proficiency lies in developing resilient, purpose-driven, and scalable platforms that empower your organization to attain its objectives effectively

Design and Development of Digital Products

Our Digital Product Development services encompass end-to-end solutions for creating and enhancing Digital Products.

From conceptualization to design, development, and deployment, we specialize in crafting innovative and user-centric Digital Experiences.

Our services include custom software development, Mobile App creation, and Web Application Development, tailored to meet your specific business needs. With a focus on efficiency, scalability, and cutting-edge technologies, we empower businesses to thrive in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Our Services:

  • Designing, Building, Launching, Continues Development, Supporting and Maintaining Digital Products
  • Cross Platform Digital Products (Web Apps, Mobile Apps, etc.)
  • Cloud-based Digital Products
  • Product Development Process Management
  • Graphical Design (UI/UX)
  • Embedded Security
  • Integrations
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • IoT Digital Products
  • Industry 4.0 Digital Products

Web Application Design and Development

No matter what type of business you are running, our team will deliver you the best solutions. From the initial structure to design and development, our team of experts can meet your expectations and goals.

​Our Services:

  • Public-facing and Internal Web Application development
  • Custom Web Development
  • API Development
  • Cloud Infrastructure and Engineering
  • UI/UX Designs
  • Migrations and Integrations
  • Security and Compliance 
  • Quality Assurance
  • Maintenance and support

Technologies we use:

  • MS SQL
  • React/Redux, Angular.js
  • HTML5/CSS3, Sass/less/cssnext
  • Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services 

Microsoft Azure Development

Cloud computing platforms tend to be less expensive and more secure, reliable, and flexible than on-premises servers. No equipment downtime, scale up and scale down almost instantly depending on your needs, pay only for the services you really use are the main reasons to move your applications to the cloud.

Looking for dynamic, scalable, cost-effective and productive solutions? We propose to utilize the Microsoft Azure hosting environment and tools available in it.

Microsoft Azure is a cloud services platform designed to meet various business challenges. Global infrastructure, guaranteed security, support of various technologies, no upfront cost and comprehensive list of tools and services allow Azure to be one of the most popular cloud services available

Let us help you to make use of Azure App Service, Azure SQL, Azure Search, Azure Cosmos DB along with many other services and tools in Microsoft Azure platform to make your digital product truly adaptive and scalable.

We can also help you with Cloud Security assessment, improvements and implementation. 

Umbraco CMS Development

Umbraco is a powerful open source Content Management System build on Microsoft .NET technology stack.

Umbraco's high level of flexibility makes it the perfect CMS for both low and high complexity projects. The platform gives you the freedom to do and manage things your way, meaning that you will be able to stay in control and take more pride in your project! 

With Umbraco Cloudyou set up projects with a single click, get the latest features and bug fixes automatically and get access to exclusive and extremely fruitful features - all of which to make the work with Umbraco even more manageable, intuitive and delightful for everyone involved.

​We are certified Umbraco partners and developers with extensive development experience.

Microsoft SharePoint Development

We have extensive experience in developing MS SharePoint based applications for Intranets, e-Commerce solutions, Project management, Client analysis, Technical failure reporting, Compliance management, IT Service Management, Risk management, Annual employee appraisal, etc.

​Our Services:

  • MS SharePoint development of Online and on-premises solutions 
  • MS SharePoint branding
  • Development of Provider Hosted Applications for MS SharePoint
  • Application Integrations with MS SharePoint

​We are long-term Microsoft Certified partners, proving our competences and experience. 

Certified Microsoft and Umbraco Platinum Partner

We are long-term Microsoft Certified and Umbraco Platinum partners, proving our competences and experience.

Partners and standards

We have extensive skills and expertise in the hottest development technologies.

  • Visual Studio Umbraco SQL Server Office Bootstrap Azure devops HeidiSql Laravel
  • Less Metalogix Azure Net nopCommerce Php Reactnative

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